is a website and blog written and edited by Amanda Zurface with the ongoing assistance of professional contractors.

• For questions about this website and/or blog, please contact:


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials to protect you from misleading advertising that’s been paid for by a company. Because Amanda Zurface, LLC is an income source and does occasionally include endorsements and testimonials, it’s important to disclose the following:

I only endorse and promote products I trust and use for myself.

• This website and blog are a source of income and may be used to promote products, services, or other businesses.
• I only share and promote products/services/businesses that I have actually used and that believe could be beneficial to you.
• Affiliate links are used in some blog posts where I make a small percentage of each sale. This is one way I earn an income. It does not result in additional charges or cost you anything extra.
• Mentions of related products/services/businesses within the content of my website or blog may or may not be noted as an affiliate in every reference.
• Products provided to me for review are given free of charge. However, this doesn’t guarantee a positive review – I always review honestly and openly. I do not endorse or post about products I don’t believe in.
• My goal is to share my expertise and provide helpful content while generating a profit to make a living for myself and financially support faith filled causes, organizations, institutions and individuals, I am passionate about and that the Catholic Church affirms.

Forget the junk mail, I’ll send you life-giving encouragement, and resources for ongoing growth, all rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Consider every email as a page in your very own spiritual direction manual.

Hey, Wanna Journey Together?