Inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II, we honor women's dignity and role, offering support and just the right level of challenge to help them become the person God designed them to be.

Our mission at Joy Seeker is to guide women toward genuine joy, which is God Himself.

Joy Seeker is a non-profit organization dedicated to Catholic spiritual direction. We accompany women in deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church through certified spiritual direction and faith-based resources.


I had been looking for a spiritual director for about four years when I found Amanda online. She is so genuine, so authentic, has such a beautiful and insightful heart, and is most certainly in cahoots with the Holy Spirit. These last few months since I began Spiritual Direction have been full of so much growth.

"Spiritual Direction with Amanda has been one of the most life-giving experiences I’ve ever had."


 When I saw her page, I had just felt the nudge to seek joy in my life this year. And then I saw her introduction post where she talks about her passion for helping with the pursuit of joy. I feel like her guide aptly titled “Practical Ways to Obtain Joy” is something I truly need.

"I really feel like finding Amanda on Facebook has been a godsend."


When I first started chatting with Amanda I felt like I had found a long lost sister! Spiritual direction and canon law consultation with Amanda will undoubtedly be a great blessing in your life. Amanda’s love of the Church and love for others makes talking to Amanda one of the easiest, most natural conversations you may ever have!

"Amanda has a palpable love of the Church that translates into an authentic love of others — that is truly Christlike!"


Reaching out to Amanda was life-changing. My husband and I had some canon-law questions about our marriage and she willingly became our advocate with kindness and concern for our situation. Thanks to her, we will soon be celebrating our convalidation in the Church! She has been a huge blessing in walking this process with us, in ways that some other church leaders (unfortunately) have not. Amanda is so personable and loving in her work and talking to her is always a delight.

"Amanda's knowledge and spiritual direction has brought peace into my life and helped me learn how to find the joy that God desires us to have."


The conversations allow me to process my thoughts with someone who truly cares for my growth in holiness, allowing me to truly move forward in a new direction rather than ruminating on whether I'm making the right choice or if I'm being reasonable.

"I've really enjoyed talking with Amanda and getting her perspective on things."


When I meet with Amanda, her guidance grounds me in my Catholic faith. The way she allows herself to be an instrument to our Lord, is truly inspiring. Her calm, convicting voice and determination to guide me along in my Catholic faith has been so inspiring. I have learned so much about the Lord's love through her expertise. She helps me see the Lord's love uniquely in my life, which I could not do on my own before.

"I am so grateful to have Amanda as a part of my journey."


Amanda is so in tune with the Holy Spirit. Our meetings have left me with great hope that I can grow in Holiness and experience more freedom in my life. She directs me even through follow up emails, going above and beyond.

"Amanda's a gem and I am so blessed to have found her!"


She is kind, patient, encouraging, and always meets me where I'm at. If you get the opportunity to meet with Amanda, you will surely see the heart of Jesus within her.

"Amanda is the best spiritual director I've had!"


She often confirms things that have come up in prayer before I even mention them. She helps me to process what's going on in my spiritual life while fully respecting who I am and where the Lord has me. I feel very free in our sessions, and that's refreshing.

"Journeying with Amanda has been a gift! She listens well, has great insight, and is always encouraging."


She helps me to recognize what I do well, and she encourages me in the places where I hope to improve. Since working with her, I have grown in humility, trust of the Lord, and reliance on the Word. Amanda is wonderful, and I'm so glad we've connected.

"Working with Amanda was so life-giving, and my time with her is always two things: affirming and encouraging." 


Working with Amanda has been so fruitful. Her love of the Catholic faith radiates in the joy that she provides in Spiritual Direction. Amanda runs the race and pushes me along the way in the journey of my faith.

Having another female as a spiritual director is a great blessing in my life; she has given me great insight and kept me accountable with prayer.


My experience of spiritual direction with Amanda has been fun, uplifting, and peaceful. Through our time together, I feel that I am better able to understand the ways in which the Lord speaks to me and how He acts in my life. I am very thankful to have found such a caring, joy-filled spiritual director!"

"In our sessions, the Lord consistently speaks truth through Amanda, and it is always exactly what I need to hear!"

Four years ago, I found myself in Colorado, working on canonical issues and crisis communication planning for a Diocese. Despite meeting the Holy Father in Rome, I was depleted and exhausted by the Church’s complex challenges. Seeking more meaningful ways to help others in their relationship with God, I returned to Ohio, resigning from my job amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this time of isolation, God called me to focus on others rather than myself, leading me to establish a spiritual direction ministry platform. With the incredible generosity of family and friends, I launched Joy Seeker, a non-profit Catholic organization dedicated to providing one-on-one accompaniment to Catholic women.

Since 2020, I have journeyed with hundreds of women, helping them discover God's unique invitations for their lives.

I’m Amanda Zurface

Hey there!

suport the mission

 In-person retreats offering guided and self-led reflection, daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and personalized one-on-one spiritual direction.


Development and distribution of written materials to support spiritual growth.

Spiritual Guides:

One-on-one sessions in a contemplative-evocative style, focusing on God's love, goodness, and mercy.

Personalized Spiritual Direction:

Led by myself, a licensed Canon Lawyer and certified Spiritual Director, Joy Seeker makes available:

  • Multimedia Content: Creation of videos and podcasts to reach a broader audience.
  • Online Workshops: Interactive workshops for faith-based learning.
  • Community Events: Organizing events to bring together diocesan and parish communities. 
  • Guided Group Retreats: Facilitating e-retreats and in-person retreats to deepen participants' spiritual formation.

Your support will help us continue to expand this work. By becoming a donor, you can make a meaningful impact on the lives of countless women who benefit from these offerings. Your generosity will enable us to reach more women and provide more resources, including:

Future Services

Build a lasting legacy of the Catholic faith, supporting women seeking spiritual guidance.

Legacy of Faith:

Receive regular updates on the impact of your contribution and engage with our mission through events and communications.

Personal Connection:

 All donations to Joy Seeker are tax-deductible.

Tax Benefits:

Foster a stronger, faith-filled community, benefiting women, their families, and parish communities.

Community Impact:

Contribute to women’s spiritual growth and well-being, deepening their relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church.

Spiritual Fulfillment:

Participate in a mission that transforms lives and enriches your own spiritual journey.

Life-Giving Experience:

Benefits of Becoming a Donor:

Your support is deeply appreciated and will significantly improve our ability to serve women seeking personalized spiritual direction and faith formation. Thank you for supporting Joy Seeker. Together, we can make a difference and share the true joy of a relationship with Christ and His Catholic Church.

donate online here

Support our marketing efforts, including email marketing, social media presence, and course development.

Multimedia Content

Support us through monthly donations for sustainability or inform us of grants that can aid the ministry.

Donations & Grants

Consider making a one-time or monthly donation of $100 to cover a session fee for women who need scholarships.

Session Fees

Ways to Contribute: