life can be full and overwhelming some days. If that's your present experience, you're probably looking for a slowdown.

You may be constantly on the go, grasping for silence and even just a moment to sit with God.

The problem is that your stress and busyness keep you from planning the much-needed break with God that you long for. 

It may be that you lack child care, vacation time, or finances to make your getaway happen. All this stress can create guilt and shame, adding strain to your relationship with God.

That is a lot to keep in your heart.

I invite you to take some time away from your busyness to refresh and renew your body and soul from the comfort of your home.

For the past several years, I've set aside time for an at-home retreat, and it has provided peace and reconnection with God right when I needed it the most. 

You don't have to worry about dipping into your savings or scheduling a hermitage. You can invite God into your ordinary everyday space. 

I would love for you to experience the same sense of renewal. That’s why I’m inviting you to enter into a retreat from the comfort of your home with my FREE Stay-At-Home Retreat Guide.

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Stay-At-Home Retreat Guide

The good news is that God is always pursuing you, and He understands the pressures you face.

Your Stay-At-Home Spiritual Retreat is like a spa-day with God!

It's a time of refreshment when you can focus on deepening your relationship with God and allowing Him to fill you with His love and goodness as you refocus your attention on Him. The Stay-At-Home Retreat Guide includes...

A schedule for your stay-at-home retreat so you don't have to waste time planning; just dive right into your time of prayer, reflection, and restoration.

A curated list of recommended reading to draw from, so you'll have no trouble finding the perfect healing words to feed your soul and inspire your prayers.

A series of prayer-prompts so you'll always have a place to start when entering into prayer, which means your prayer times will be peaceful and productive.

And most importantly, permission to relax and commune with our Lord, so you never need to feel guilty about taking the time to invest in and recommit to your relationship with Christ.

If you've been waiting for your opportunity to rest, recharge, and reconnect with God, this is it!

I encourage you to take the time to nurture the most important relationship in your life—your relationship with God. I know your Stay-At-Home Retreat will be life-giving, as it has been for me!

Forget the junk mail, I’ll send you life-giving encouragement, and resources for ongoing growth, all rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Consider every email as a page in your very own spiritual direction manual.

Hey, Wanna Journey Together?